Friday, December 7, 2012

Vegetable Gardening Beginners - Deciding What to Grow

Deciding what to grow is as simple as writing a list of what you would normally buy in your weekly shopping at the local green grocer. Ideally it would be great to replace those items with produce that you have grown yourself. A vegetable gardening beginners choice of what to grow needs to be reasonably simple.

When and where to plant?

Seasons will also take part in your decision, as most vegetables do not like the cold. Spring and early summer are a great time to start as the soil is warming to enable early healthy growth of your plants, as most enjoy the warmer climate, especially if starting from seed.

When starting out, it is generally a good idea to start out with seedlings, to plant direct into your soil or container as this will give you a more immediate result. But, there is nothing stopping you from starting your plants from seed as vegetable gardening beginners are capable of achieving great success in their first season.

Salad greens are one of my favorite to grow. Not only are they so easy and fast to grow but they taste great. Generally planting radishes, lettuce, tomatoes (easier to grow than you may think) and a few herbs is a great place to start. I have found that the loose leaf lettuce is simple to grow as there is no need to wait for the lettuce to get firm in the middle and I can pick the outside leaves off as soon as the are big enough, to put in a sandwich or salad for work.

If you enjoy using herbs in your cooking you will find that most of the ones you use are quite simple to grow and care for. If you are a beginner in the vegetable garden you could start out with parsley, chives and mint, being the most common herbs available and most readily used.

Some gardeners find it just as easy to grow them in pots on the windowsill for the warmth and the accessibility for cooking. This comes down to personal choice and of course, the size of your back yard. I am fortunate enough that I grow mine outside, but need to stay on top of them as they do not take long to take over in some situations.

Whatever your choice maybe, it becomes commonsense to grow vegetables and herbs that you would use regularly. It is not too hard to start vegetable gardening, beginners can have just as much success as gardener who has gardened for years. I always recommend to give it a go as fresh vegetables taste great and are so much better for you and your family.

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Feng Shui and Intelligence

There are countless articles and books about how Feng Shui applications can be used to help a person increase their income or find true love. But an interesting question that deserves an answer is whether or not Feng Shui can predict or influence intelligence.

I was once asked to speak at a Mensa Meeting and in preparation for the talk I thought this particular audience might be interested in how Feng Shui supports intellectual or academic processes.

In the Flying Star School, we calculate the magnetic field of a house based on when it was built in combination with its orientation. With these coordinates, it can be revealed if there are areas in some structures that might diminish a person's intelligence. In fact, these same energies can undermine a pregnancy and contribute to miscarriage or birth defects like Downs Syndrome. I'm referring to one combination of the 9 fire star with the 2 earth star. These are the Li and Kun trigrams which are known and interpreted differently throughout various practices in Chinese metaphysics.

Here we have a combination which symbolizes fire (intelligence) being muffled or snuffed out by earth. A literal fire can be put out with dirt and lack of oxygen to fuel it. This is symbolic of the mind or intellect being diminished or held back. Once in a while, this can indicate that a person of reasonable intelligence might do "stupid things" including playing with matches.

There are also energies in most houses which can indicate a probability of obstacles or delays and this could impede someone's study habits or scholarly performance if the person spends a lot of time in those areas where the "problem" energy resides. The types of energies I am referring to are not anything obvious that can be seen with the eyes or understood by tracking qi flow in a floor plan. However, these energies can be calculated. For example, a house which faces magnetic Northwest at 300 degrees and built in 2003 is a house type where the southwest sector of the house could cause intellectual struggles or poor performance for a child in school.

The adjustments for this area of the house would include adding a lot of metal weight or metal surfaces to the space. Metal is anything made of gold, silver, copper, brass, bronze or steel.

In contrast, there can be energy in a house which can predict that a person will be very clever and creative, including precocious and talented children. I have seen this so many times in my consultations with clients. I actually grew up in a bedroom with the 4 wood star and 9 star combination and in looking back, I'm not surprised that I wrote hundreds of songs as a teenager and was a straight A student.

Another variation of this energy can produce a person who is very bright but argumentative, (3 and 9 flying stars together). Still, another variation on that can match a person who is smart and creative, but psychologically unstable, as in the fine line between genius and insanity, (3 and 4 stars together). These "stars" that I refer to are just code for energy patterns and the original link between the stars and astronomy, literally. The Xuan Kong calculations can be associated with the stars of the Big Dipper.

Sometimes a person can use a space uniquely to suit their own personal best directions (based on their birth data), to improve academic performance or artistry or even athleticism. The Wen Qu or Wen Chang directions can be used for study locations within a house. For example, for a person born in 1996, sitting in the sector of West/Southwest (Shen-Monkey Direction) of a floor plan, can help that person study more efficiently.

When I do a professional evaluation, if I see that the child cannot really use their bedroom or designated desk location for studying, there may be some other part of the house where they can study for better results. Sometimes the child instinctually gravitates toward their "Good Study Habits" direction, be it a seat at the kitchen table or plopped on the floor in some other unexpected part of the house.

There are many more Feng Shui design examples, some of which are common sense, which can enhance a person's ability to focus, concentrate and create. This can include a balance of yin and yang aspects to a living space, like balanced lighting, temperature, views, and sound. Other times we just see that the person naturally matches the personality of the house or the areas of the house where they spend most of their time.

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Getting Unfair Advantage With RSS Feeds

As a marketer, once you choose to campaign for one's business via online marketing tactics, it is right to seize complete benefits of this interactive medium. It is beneficial to understand what an RSS feed is.

Compared to current ways, RSS possesses many benefits. It is the preferred, effective, and powerful device which is gradually domineering the Internet arena. Apart from only being aware for what an RSS feed is, one should comprehend how RSS is able to assist you.

One's webpage can be considered as a wealth of particulars on the response of the public to what is being said. RSS acts like a platform to hold discussions on the opinions of members of the public without wasting time. On the other hand, you are able to use your time in creating subject matter of high quality. Several unique components are included in RSS like RSS radars, dialog facilitators and automatic responders. These improve the importance of conversational marketing.

The quality of your webpage is determined by rankings in search engines. Having knowledge of what an RSS feed is and utilizing its capabilities efficiently can improve your ranking in search engines. This would assist in development of the business in the long run.

In addition, conduct an interview with clients for their opinions, conduct a research and carry out relevant alterations to your webpage. The latter is carried out without much trouble if you are aware of what an RSS feed is and uses it efficiently.

The interface of one's webpage is extremely vital. With RSS, it is simple to comprehend, view and feel one's message for viewers through combination of audio and video channels to your subject matter. Moreover, always remember that it is not sufficient to possess a good webpage, but a suitable one for your industry, as well as to attract potential visitors.

Apart from the above, ensure that your webpage works well in all types of browsers. This is due to the fact that one's webpage is open to a wide range of viewers who may have different preference of browsers. Since it can work on each and every type of platform, RSS provides much convenience. Majority of browsers may not have difficulty gaining access to RSS.

With RSS feeds, one is able to gather plenty of details like the quantity of subscribers, things they are interested in, and how often they read. All these particulars are important in order to improve your level of business.

Don't think it's a complicated technological item which you can't make use of! When you comprehend what an RSS feed is, you unlock the astonishing arena of RSS. In future, you may realize you are addicted to it!

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How to Write An Effective Description for Your Patent Application

Description and claims collectively known as specifications are the most important parts of a patent application. This part has all the information about your invention. i.e how it differs from other inventions and how it is exclusive. It is very important to write a complete and well explained description before patent drafting and patent filing.

The patent description can't be changed once the patent filing application has been submitted. Start the description with a brief introduction and expand it with full details. This will help the reader in understanding the patent application in a better way. Patent application should include all major and minor points because once the application has been files you can't make changes to the specifications. You can only make changes to the subject matter of your application if required. Writing a patent application is not a very easy job, it is advisable to take help from a professional patent filing expert.

A Patent application includes drawings, descriptions and main text. Also a small mistake can spoils your plans to win intellectual property rights for your invention. Patent drawing pages should be properly linked with the description page.

Writing a description is the most crucial part of patent application filing process. Always follow these tips and order to write an effective patent description:

Title: Title should be short, precise and relevant. Try to use keywords in the title which are most often searched by people.

Technical Field: Give a brief statement explaining the technical specifications of your invention.

Background information: This includes the information that is required for the reader to understand your invention. It should be to the point.

Technical problems addresses through your invention: Considered as the part of giving the prior art, include all the technical challenges you have faced and how those can be overcome. Also list what all problems your invention solves and how.

List of Drawings: List all the drawings and figures in a serial order and write a brief description of their importance and use in the specific invention.

Detailed description of your invention: Describe each and every part of your invention in details. Details should be clear and easy to understand.

Example of Deliberate use: Give an example of studied use of your invention. This will help in understanding your invention in a better way. By following these tips and order you can write an effective description for your patent application.

Learning How to Get a Patent on Your Product   Protecting Your Invention From Illegal Claims - Provisional Patent   Patent FAQ: How Can Technology Entrepreneurs Avoid USPTO Backlog Using Accelerated Examination?   Using Inducement of Infringement to Protect Patent Rights   How To Patent An Idea - Patenting Will Increase Your Idea's Value   Why Can Patents Be Granted for Multiple Similar Inventions?   

Patent Application and Examination Process Explained

As part of the patent application process before the UKIPO, all applications undergo Substantive Examination. This is the process whereby a UKIPO Examiner reviews the patent application in detail and considers the substantive issues of novelty and inventive step, as well as other issues such as added matter and clarity. The applicant, or his professional representative, is given at least one opportunity to address the Examiner's concerns and does so typically using a combination of amendments and supporting argumentation. The aim is to convince the Examiner that a patent should be granted for the invention. A successful Examination phase for a patent application will result in grant of the patent and an unsuccessful Examination phase will ultimately lead to the patent application being rejected.

To start the Examination process, the patent applicant, or his representative, must submit a request for Substantive Examination within 6 months of publication of the patent application. Therefore, normally the request is submitted around 2 years after the filing date of the application. The UKIPO will issue the first Examination Report in due course. Up until now, the standard period for response to the Examination Report was 4 months from issue of the report. This deadline was extendible as of right by 2 months on provision of a written request.

However, the UKIPO has recently issued a practice notice relating to the periods for response to first Examination Report. In brief, if the first Examination Report is issued more than 3 ½ years from the filing date, the deadline for response is now 2 months. If the first Examination Report is issues less than 3 ½ years from the filing date, the period of response remains at 4 months. Both of these deadlines are extendible as of right, as before.

The reason behind this change is that in the UK, there is a compliance period for "putting an application in order", which is the later of (a) 4 years 6 months from the "earliest date" (the earliest priority date, or the filing date, if there is no claim to priority) or (b) 12 months from the issue of the first Examination Report. The compliance period is effectively the period for addressing all of the Examiner's concerns. Previously, when the first Examination Report was issued more than 3 ½ years from the earliest date, an applicant had 4 months to file a response and could extend this deadline by 2 months as of right. This meant that any subsequent rounds of Examination had to be compressed into the remaining 6 months of the compliance period. This was clearly undesirable for both the applicant and the UKIPO, hence the need for a change in policy.

Learning How to Get a Patent on Your Product   Protecting Your Invention From Illegal Claims - Provisional Patent   Patent FAQ: How Can Technology Entrepreneurs Avoid USPTO Backlog Using Accelerated Examination?   Using Inducement of Infringement to Protect Patent Rights   How To Patent An Idea - Patenting Will Increase Your Idea's Value   The Software Patent Process   

New Learning Approach Towards Web Design and Marketing

With the advancing technology, the new generation is privy to a lot of new stuff for their education and enjoyment. The progressive technology is boosting many young people's self-confidence while enhancing their abilities to perform many excellent works. Their attitudes towards learning have improved tremendously as they spend more time in personal discoveries and development.

One of the areas of developing interests among the new generation of learners is web design and marketing. This area is very interesting with the advent of the Internet to allow a lot of discoveries without limit.


There are a lot of online help and support where students can pick up the latest tools on web design while learning the tricks of marketing; one supplements the other. The right and abundant support and tools allow learners to play around with the features available to learn how a good web design should be and how effective the design could be in their lives.

There are many examples for learners to look at to pick up the finer points of web designing which would prove effective for marketing. It is never too early for youngsters to learn about marketing which impacts society and life in general.

With the growing support materials online besides books and seminars, learners today are a privileged lot when it comes to learning about web design and marketing.


The ever growing range of learning tools on web design to supplement marketing helps to enhance marketing effectively. The newer tools are much better and more efficient as new technology is available. There is no lack of tools and resources as there are also many skilled web design and marketing teachers and experts on the subjects in hands on learning through creative avenues such as school clubs and hobby groups.

Children, youth and young adults would find learning more fun and approachable with the new technological tools compared to classroom based learning. The effectiveness of the new mode of learning is taking the world by storm as more and more learning institutes are embracing technology.

Those who embrace the latest technology would stand to benefit most as the lifestyle of society would be dramatically changed. The latest technology is slowly but surely being made available to one and all with no respecter of race, religion and character.

It is up to each individual to take on all that technology offers everyday as changes come on fluidly.

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